slanted structure meaning in English
- 1 sedimentation anyslys of soil under the action of deadweight ; 2 sedimentation anyslys of structure in using ; 3 endogen force anyslys of structure in using ; 4 soil remolding type anyslys ; 5 homogenous flush works anyslys ; 6 anyslys of the structure sedimentation effects of different flushing amount at the same place ; 7 anyslys of the structure sedimentation effects of different flushing places ; 8 anyslys of the structure sedimentation effects of different horizontal flushing places ; 9 anyslys of the structure sedimentation effects of different vertical flushing places ; getting the different between the endogen force of common structure and that of slant structure . the rule of stricture sedimentation and the effect of different soil remolding type were also gained
对掏土纠偏过程做了以下9个方面的分析: 1 、土体在自重作用下的沉降分析; 2 、建筑物在使用阶段的沉降分析; 3 、建筑物在使用阶段的内力分析; 4 、土体受扰动类型分析; 5 、均匀冲水施工过程分析; 6 、同一个地方冲水量大小不同对建筑物沉降影响分析; 7 、不同沉井冲水对建筑物沉降影响分析; 8 、进深不同的土层冲水对建筑物沉降影响分析; 9 、不同埋深土体冲水对建筑物沉降影响分析。